Cottage Floors – Paint or Stain?
I need help. You guys are getting used to that right? Do we paint or stain our cottage floors?
As we make plans to move to the cottage permanently we are trying to figure out what to do with the floors. I am designed challenged at times (and terrible at decision making). Paint or stain for the cottage floors?
We actually sanded and stripped the floors 3 years ago and then used hemp oil to protect them. I will be 100% honest with you guys (as always) and admit the hemp oil was a bad mistake. We did everything right (application, cure time, coats etc), we conferenced with and talked at length with the makers of our Miss Mustard Seed’s Hemp Oil (our friends at Homestead House) but within weeks we realized it wasn’t enough protection for our old soft pine floors. (ps…they are not original to the house, they were added about 15 years ago I think, the original floors are under and yucky) lol.
Please note. Hemp oil is amazing on hard wood and dark woods (I’ve seen this repeatedly, so don’t be scared) and still my absolute favourite go to for top coating painted pieces, I may even have an addiction to it, but our light, soft pine floors could not take the abuse. They look dirty, almost black and are impossible to clean. (Trust me we have tried everything) So, like I always say, no product is perfect, and we need to redo them. If you are thinking of doing your floors with hemp oil, reach out, if I can help just ask. As I mentioned, I have seen it look beautiful on harder woods, over and over again. Just my soft floors are not handling it well. It’s still awesome. :)
The problem is, do we sand and stain with a protective coating or paint them?
This is what they looked like right after we finished them? (I will spare you the dirty now pictures)
Some cottage floors for inspiration.
It just so happens my sweet friends Liz and Jose are going through the same thing right now in their beautiful farmhouse and since she is eloquent and awesome and stylish and I’m a hot mess, have a peek at her blog post on her blog Liz Marie Blog and them come back and tell me what you think WE should do with our cottage floors? ha ha
I’m loving the white floors in this casual cottage.
We have large dogs and wear our shoes in the cottage (keeping it real friends). We do not “baby” our floors. AT All. lol.
We won’t be doing the floors for awhile, but are renovating a few things and making some plans, I feel it’s like a jigsjigsawzle and we need to know what the rest of the place will look like.
The cottage is small y’all so…what do you think?
Resand and stain or paint light and bright and “cottag-y”? Have you painted your floors white? What are your thoughts on paint vs staining floors?
Have a fabulous day friends, thanks for popping in.
Both floors in your inspiration pictures are beautiful, so not an easy choice! Personally, I would go with re-sanding & staining, especially if you’re planning to have lots of white or light walls and painted furniture. It’s nice to have some contrast , and the natural wood looks and feels warmer than painted wood. I think in the long run, stained floors will hold up better than painted with the daily wear and tear of shoes and dog paws.
I would stain. Makes a nice contrast and adds some texture and warmth.
The beautiful warmth of the stained floors looks great with all your white. I vote stained! Good Luck!
I would leave your floors just as they are. They look great to me as does your cottage and the wonderful house you have up for sale!!!! The nice thing about the wood floors is they won’t show every paw print and spill which the beautiful white floors would. However, the worst that could happen is that you choose one path, regret it, then do them over. Good luck with the decision making.
Personally, I like the natural color or light stain. Just put several coats of clear polyurethane (or something similar) over it. I think the natural compliments the white and vice versa. I personally think the all white it too much white. It still looks like a white kitchen even with the natural wood floors