Fat Painted Vintage Stool
I am a paint nerd. It’s true. I still get giddy when I add paint to items and they morph into something completely different. I recently picked up this little metal stool. Solid but dated. Sometimes even paint nerds get annoyed painting large pieces. True story, and I had just completed several large pieces and…

Closet Makeover
Hi all! Hope you all are having a wonderful Holiday! We have had such a wonderful Christmas, we scaled back and simplified on everything this year, decorations, gifts, parties (but not the food shh) simplifying Christmas has been so wonderful for my little family after such a busy December. We have been relaxing, snuggling…

Fusion Mineral Painted Front Door How To
We are asked regularly if Fusion ™ Mineral Paint can be used to paint exterior doors, and the answer is yes! It has superior adhesion, it’s easy to apply and self-levelling. Fusion™ requires minimal prep work, no finishing coat, waxing or ongoing maintenance making it perfect for painting most projects, including your metal front door!…