Cottage Reno Current
We’re calling our cottage reno done. Our cottage by the sea is ready for renters and done enough for now. There are a million other little (and big) things we plan to do at the cottage but we’re calling it done enough for now. We re-loved, reused, recycled. We upcycled, borrowed, painted, picked and scrubbed….
We’re calling our cottage reno done. Our cottage by the sea is ready for renters and done enough for now. There are a million other little (and big) things we plan to do at the cottage but we’re calling it done enough for now.
We re-loved, reused, recycled. We upcycled, borrowed, painted, picked and scrubbed. We put a lot of love into this little place. It’s not perfect, but we think maybe it’s perfectly imperfect for now.
Here are a few snippets from the house. Our last day was a dark and rainy one so the pictures are a bit dark, I promise to get some sunny pictures, but many of you were asking so I thought I’d share a few pictures.
Our first renters arrive this week, and we are excited for them to arrive. I hope they like it and are comfortable and take care of of it. I’m so excited for them to enjoy the beauty of the ocean, the quaintness of our little fishing village and all there is to do and see in the Lunenburg area.
I still get so excited when I see how a little paint and determination can change everything.
We spent the 6 weekends working on our little Cottage by the Sea in Nova Scotia (see here) and we are very very tired now ha ha. I’ll be showing you a few how to’s and how we renovated, a lot of before and afters and how we decorated and completely outfitted the cottage on a super tight budget without cutting quality and comfort. I used a lot of Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint Fusion Mineral Paint!
This video was shot in our front yard. Seriously. Those fishing shacks are just in front of the house.
Looking for information on that AMAZING Buoy Pillow? You can find that here I just love it! (affiliate link)
Hope you are having a super awesome day! Thanks for popping in. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think about our lil Haven by the Sea.
Looking for some other cottage posts?
Updated a cottage desk
Painted our Adirondack Chairs
Updated a mirror for about $1
How I updated and painted a family dresser
*****UPDATED***** We no longer rent our cottage – we have now moved here and are updating and re-loving and updating and refreshing this old cottage to make it a home, watch for posts from us as we build a creative life here by the sea.
More projects in the works here too! ;)
Thanks for popping in!
Hi Wendy!
I bought the sweet desk from your shop for my daughter, I will have to send you a pic of my converted dining room into a teenager bedroom!
I love your sweet seaside rental – are you fully booked for August? How many does it sleep?
You are a true genius!
Hi Tobi, I would LOVE to see your completed reno, I remember the before pictures! We are fully booked this summer (can you believe it?) But next summer will be online in a few weeks. Thanks so much for your kind words, Wendy
How cool to be sold out! It looks great. And here I thought you guys were tricking it out for yourselves. What a pair of busy little entrepreneurs you are.
Yay for you!
The Other Marian
Hi Wendy – I am enjoying reading your website and especially this blog of the cottage. I love that green deck chair and the seafood cushions. My type of place – well done! So glad we have met!