Painting skates with Fusion Mineral Paint

Painting Skates How To

Hey friends, today we’re painting skates. Yup. Skates. I told you I like to paint ALL the things. :) I’m going to show you how you can easily paint skates to make cute Holiday decor. Last week I posted a picture on Facebook of the shop and in the photo was a pair of painted…


Painted Skates - yup - so easy, see how Front Porch Mercantile painted them

Hey friends, today we’re painting skates. Yup. Skates. I told you I like to paint ALL the things. :) I’m going to show you how you can easily paint skates to make cute Holiday decor.

Last week I posted a picture on Facebook of the shop and in the photo was a pair of painted skates.

I received 29 emails in 24 hours about them, ha ha, thats a lot of emails in 1 day and a ton of visits into the shop.

Then – I sold out of red paint. True story.

So, I ordered more paint and I got the hint and thought I would share how I paint skates.

First – yes, they can be painted!

Second – no it’s not difficult. It’s actually so easy it’s gonna be like that commercial where the mom put flour on her face after making the Rice Krispie Squares because she wanted it to look like she was baking all day. (Does anyone else remember that or am I just old?)

This is so easy you will want to smear paint all over to make it look like you are super DIY Princess. (Kidding..not kidding)

Painted skates can be a cute way to reuse and re love a pair you may have hanging around the basement. I painted these skates last year, they were my daughters, she wore them maybe 3 times.

Painting skates with Fusion Mineral Paint


Here’s how the steps for painting skates:

Step 1

Wipe you skates clean. I didn’t get fussy with these, just a damp cloth to remove the cobwebs I mean the dirt collected over time.

Step 2

Use  Fusion Mineral Paint in Fort York Red or any other colour, 2 coats.

No ultra grip or primer.

(note, if you want to paint the metal blade part, use Fusion Ultra Grip first, I then painted the blades with Fusion Metallic Paint)

Fusion Mineral Paint

I used a Cling On Brush as I find they leave the smoothest brush strokes, but you can use any brush.

Step 3

Let dry at least 24 hours then stuff with decor. No top coat required for this project.


See – easy peasy!

Chalk style paints like FAT Paint would work, but I found they didn’t cover as well as Fusion Mineral Paint did on this project. Took an extra coat. (If you use FAT Paint or chalk paint be sure to wax them only if staying inside.)

Wondering where to get skates?

I put a shout out to some friends on Facebook and asked for some more pairs and I had several within days. If you are looking for a pair, just ask some friends or search garage sales next summer (for next years Holiday crafts).

Literally just add paint. YOU can do it!

Have you started your holiday decorating yet?

Painted skates - how to Front Porch Mercantile

I have decorated a bit at the shop, but truthfully only a little at home. Didn’t even do the porch yet, but these skates will be heading out there for sure! Maybe Dec 23rd I’ll get to it ha ha

You may also like this post on easy Holiday Decor  have fun panting skates this week :)

Cheers guys, thanks for popping in!




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