What is Shiplap and Where to Buy it
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What is Shiplap and Where to Buy it

We are often asked, “what is shiplap?”   With the popularity of Chip and Joanna Gains of HGTV’s Fixer-Upper, shiplap has become super popular and in-demand to add character to the interior of homes. Shiplap adds a lot of character and I personally love it. We always called it “planking” a wall. But call it…

On The Tip Of My Paint Brush – A Great Resource For Furniture Painters

On The Tip Of My Paint Brush – A Great Resource For Furniture Painters

Write an ebook they say. Share your painting tips and tricks they say. I’m asked all the time if I would consider writing a book on painting tips and tricks. I have considered it, but honestly, there has just been no time. And then I heard my wonderful friend and super awesome furniture painting friend…
